Research Project
Course Title: Research Project
Course Code: LJMU-7507-MALED
Programme: MA in Leadership in Education
Credits: 60.00
Course Description:
To provide opportunities for professionals in education to expand knowledge and understanding of research methods in educational contexts.
To support professionals' development to deliver a research project within an area of identified interest.
To develop, implement and complete an in depth research-based investigation of a defined area that has relevance to the professional education context.
Learning Outcomes
After completing the module the student should be able to:
1 Manage issues of research ethics and power in accordance with educational research ethical guidelines.
2 Critically analyse key theoretical frameworks, policy and concepts in the literature around a chosen education focus.
3 Apply appropriate methodologies and research methods to an area of professional inquiry.
4 Synthesise data with the existing theoretical and evidence base to inform practice.
Typical Module duration: 24.0 Week(s)