Module/Course Description

Course Title: Developing Critical Professional Practice

Course Code: LJMU-7505-MALED

Programme: MA in Leadership in Education

Credits: 20.00

Course Description:

To provide opportunities for professionals in education to expand participants' knowledge and understanding of professional practice through learning, based on engagement with current education theory, research, policy and practice.
To develop participants' critical professional practice through analysis of, reflection on, and engagement with this knowledge and understanding in their professional setting.
To support participants' professionally and personally through engagement with the module.

Learning Outcomes
After completing the module the student should be able to:
1 Critically analyse key theoretical frameworks and concepts in relation to an identified aspect of their own professional practice
2 Critically analyse and synthesise research findings and other evidence to inform the identified aspects of practice
3 Reflect on and critically evaluate the impact of their learning on professional practice, sharing knowledge in an appropriate way

Prerequisites: LJMU-IND-M-100
Prerequisites Categories: Postgraduate Certificate Level

Typical Module duration: 8.0 Week(s)

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